Tuesday, April 17, 2012

8/19/2010 - A Place at the Table

      Two or three days a week I babysit a two-year-old named Jackson. He’s been coming since he was three months old so he has a well-established routine. He counts on that routine. He knows where to find his toys, his books, his booster seat. He also knows where “his” place at the table is. He knows that every day at lunch we gather as a family around the table and we each have a spot. Recently, while my son Josh was gone on a week long camping trip, we tried to change that seating pattern and he would have none of it. Yesterday as he helped Julianna set the table, he named each person as he set the napkin in it’s place. There is stability, order, and love expressed in knowing he has a place at our table. Having a place at the table means he belongs and is wanted and loved.
      God wants us to feel the same thing when approaching Him. He wants us to know that we each have a place at His table. Because of Jesus, we can be the sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. (Ephesians 1:4-6) We can have the stability of knowing that through the blood of Jesus our place at God’s table is sure. We can know the peace that comes from living God’s way, bringing order into the chaos of life. And we can marvel at the amazing truth that God loved us enough that even while we were living sinful, self-seeking lives, God sent His one and only Son to reconcile us to our Creator. (Romans 5:6-8) Wow! That kind of love still amazes me. You and I can be in the family of God and rest assured that we have a place at His table. So, take time to today to sit at His table and “taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8)

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